Please Continue to Contact Me in Anything That You Need

Perfect Email Templates for Writing to Your Clients

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Keeping your clients happy is one of the most important things you can do in business. Delighted customers will buy from you again and again, be advocates for their family and friends, and spread the good word about your organization.

Developing great customer relationships is based on one key factor — trust. One of the best ways to make (or break) trust is through communication. That makes written communication, including emails, one of the most vital ways you can interact.

We covered off the main reasons for writing to clients in our article "How to email clients and make them love you." We suggest reading that article now to get some context and tips on building great customer relationships. Here, we're going to dig a little deeper, giving you the email templates you need to contact your clients like a pro.

Email Templates You Will Find Here

These are the topics these email templates are going to cover.

Providing business, product, or service information to a client.

Responding to client questions and queries.

Scheduling or rescheduling a meeting with a client.

Providing confirmations and follow ups.

General Guidance for Writing to Your Customers and Clients

Use the proper greeting with a client, depending on your existing relationship.

If you have a friendly, informal relationship, first names are fine. If it's a more formal or first contact, generally stick to a title and last name.

Never use a generic greeting, always use their name.

Get to the point quickly and be concise., but don't be impersonal or abrupt.

Keep your sentences short and clear.

Include everything your client needs to know in the email.

If you're just providing information and don't need a response, write "No response needed" at the end of the email.

Proofread your email—few things break trust as fast as a typo.

Thank your client—finish off your email with a thank you.

Email Template for Providing Business, Product, or Service Information to a Client

Purpose — let a client know details of a business offering.

Subject line — Information on [business, product or service name] [as requested]

"Dear [client name]

Thanks for requesting information on [product, service, or business name] [delete this part if they did not request the information].

I'm pleased to share the following details.

[provide a list of the key information that you have to share. It should directly address any questions or requests for information the client has.]

I'm also delighted to let you know how our [service/product/business] has helped other customers. Some of the main benefits they had included:

[provide a short list of key benefits and how you can make their lives better.]

You can find further information here. [provide links to further information—you don't need to go into huge depth in the email, instead, you can provide hyperlinks or add attachments.]

Please let me know if you need anything further and I would be happy to help.

Thank you,

[your name]."

Email Template for Responding to Client Questions and Queries

Purpose — provide information in response to a customer's questions.

Subject line — Answers as requested on [area or topic]

"Dear [client name]

Thanks for your questions about [area or topic], I am delighted to answer them.

[Repeat customer question one]

[Repeat customer question two]

[Repeat customer question three]

[Provide exactly the information they're after—only include as much information as the client has requested to answer the question. Provide hyperlinks to further information if they need it.]

Please let me know if you have further questions or would like more information.

Thank you,

[your name]."

Email Template for Scheduling or Rescheduling a Meeting With a Client

Purpose — asking to reschedule a client meeting.

Subject line (scheduling) — Request to schedule [meeting name] to [date and time]

Subject line (rescheduling) — Request to reschedule [meeting name] to [new date and time]

"Dear [client name]

I am writing to [schedule or reschedule] a meeting for [date and time] at [location]. [if the meeting is over the phone, skype, audio conference, or online, ensure you provide contact details.]

During the meeting we will cover the following areas:

[list key items you will cover]

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you,

[your name]."

Email Template for Providing Confirmations and Follow Ups to a Client

Purpose — confirming information and following up with customers.

Subject line — [Confirmation / Follow up] for [subject area]

"Dear [client name]

[I can confirm  / I am following up to let you know] that [reason you are following up.]

I hope this gives you the information you need. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you,

[your name]."

These email templates will help you build better relationships, develop trust, and create happier customers and clients.


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